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Collection: Fig Trees

New Batch of Figs Ready Early August 2020

Brilliant quality Brown Turkey fig Trees. Perfect for growing in the UK or Ireland. Sweet edible fruits.

Figs are originally native trees of Syria and Persia, and but have been grown in Britain since Roman times. Brown turkey is only one of the few varieties are hardy enough for outdoor cultivation on warm walls, where they survive most winters. They should be protected from very hard prolonged frosts may kill some of the new growth, but plants generally revive from below ground. They are best trained on wire or netting for ease of management, with the roots restricted by for example a container otherwise there is a danger the plants make more leaf than fruit. 'Brown Turkey' is a prolific and reliable variety.

1 product
  • Fig Tree Plant- Brown Turkey Apx 30-40cm Tall - Ficus carica - 3L Pot
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