Great quality climbing plants grown by us in the nursery, in a 1L sized pot, 2-3ft tall now. They come tied up with a cane ready to plant.
This is a Deciduous Plant. They lose leaves in September, and have no leaves in winter. New growth begins in Spring. These plants grow very fast during the main growing season (April to August)Thanks
Plant Facts
This variety of Boston ivy has shallow-lobed leaves, creating a jagged appearance. The leaves change colour in autumn to a fiery purplish red. It makes a much more decorative plant for a wall or pergola than the normal species Parthenocissus tricuspidata, which has only plain three-lobed leaves. 'Veitchii' makes a good textured covering for any large sunny surface, and can even be used in a large garden as ground cover among shrubs, when it will root at each leaf joint and scramble over them.